Online Decor project
Online Decor project WHAT INCLUDES Floor plan of the new distribution (two design proposals). 3D plans (3D images of space). Budget and purchase of furniture and accessories. Deliverable of a project Deliverable of a project Deliverable of a project Deliverable of a project jQuery(document).ready(function() { 'use strict'; jQuery('.gallery-images-popup-67527557d511e').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: false, closeBtnInside: false, mainClass: [...]
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Refurbishing + Decor
Refurbishing + Decor REFURBISHING Full measurement of the spaces to study and make the plan, of the current state. All dimensioned plans and technical plans necessary for construction, lighting, sanitation, electricity, heating, etc. .Completion of the 2D plan of the different distribution options, within a maximum of 2 options to study. Final deliverable of the [...]
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Decor WHAT INCLUDES Study of customer preferences. Complete study of furniture distribution. Floor plan of the new distribution (two design proposals). Budget and purchase of furniture and accessories. Dialogue with suppliers and carrying out all the necessary tasks until the supply and placement of the required furniture. Possibility of carrying out a 3D project of [...]
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Refurbishing WHAT INCLUDES Full measurement of the spaces to study and make the plan, of the current state. All dimensioned plans and technical plans necessary for construction, lighting, sanitation, electricity, heating, etc. Completion of the 2D plan of the different distribution options, within a maximum of 2 options to study. Final deliverable of the Complete [...]
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